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5 Practical Ways to Slash Small Business Taxes in Idaho

September 23, 20234 min read

Starting a small business in Idaho can be a thrilling journey, but it comes with its share of financial responsibilities. Taxes are one of the most significant expenses for any business owner. However, many entrepreneurs are not fully aware of the strategies available to reduce their tax burden effectively. In this blog post, we will outline five genuine and practical ways to lower your small business taxes in the Gem State.

1. Maximize the Benefits of an S Corporation

An S Corporation (S-Corp) can be a powerful tool for reducing your tax liability as a small business owner in Idaho. Here's how it works in simple terms:

Background: By default, many businesses start as Sole Proprietorships, where all income is subject to self-employment taxes. These taxes include both Social Security and Medicare taxes, and you're responsible for paying both the employer and employee portions.

The S-Corp Advantage: When you elect to become an S-Corp (by filing Form 2553), your LLC or small business can be taxed as an S-Corporation.

Tax Difference: In a Sole Proprietorship, 100% of your net income is subject to self-employment tax. This can be a hefty financial burden. However, with an S-Corp, you can take a portion of your income as a salary and the rest as distributions. The salary is subject to self-employment tax, while the distributions are not.

Goal: The key is to strike a balance by taking a reasonable salary that doesn't violate IRS rules. It's crucial to work with a knowledgeable accountant to ensure compliance and maximize your tax savings.

Result: By using an S-Corp effectively, you can significantly lower your self-employment taxes. Depending on your situation, you could reduce your tax bill by thousands of dollars annually.

Timing: You should consider becoming an S-Corp if your business is growing, and the potential tax savings outweigh the compliance costs.

2. Small Business Retirement Plans

Another avenue for tax reduction is setting up small business retirement plans. These plans offer tax advantages and help you save for your future. Here are some key points to understand:

Employees and Retirement Plans: If you have employees, you must offer them similar retirement plans as you do for yourself, following specific IRS rules.

Employer Contributions: Employers can make contributions to retirement plans, which are tax-deductible and not subject to Social Security or Medicare taxes.

Employee Contributions: Employees can also contribute to their retirement plans, potentially reducing their taxable income.

Solo 401(k): For small business owners with no employees, the Solo 401(k) is an excellent option. You can contribute both as an employer and an employee, allowing for significant savings.

Tax Efficiency: Retirement plan contributions are tax-efficient ways to compensate employees, reducing both your and their tax burden.

Timing: Invest in retirement plans wisely, considering the financial health of your business and the potential tax savings.

3. Hire Your Kids for Tax Benefits

Hiring your minor children can be a smart move to lower your tax liability. Here's how it works:

Child Employment: You can legitimately hire your minor children for real work within your small business.

Tax Advantage: Income earned by your children is not subject to Social Security or Medicare taxes.

Standard Deduction: Children can benefit from a substantial standard deduction, reducing their income tax liability.

Savings: By paying your children wages for legitimate work, you shift income from your high tax bracket to their lower bracket, resulting in overall tax savings.

Documentation: Keep thorough records of their work, pay them fairly, and ensure all employment rules are followed.

Benefit for All: This strategy benefits both your business and your children's financial future.

4. Home Office, Equipment, and Improvements

Making strategic investments in your business, such as equipment and office improvements, can yield significant tax benefits:

Depreciation: You can depreciate the cost of business equipment and improvements over time, reducing your taxable income.

Bonus Depreciation: Consider bonus depreciation and Section 179 deductions to accelerate depreciation for eligible assets.

Home Office Deductions: If you use a portion of your home for business, you can claim home office deductions for expenses like utilities and mortgage interest.

Timing: Plan your equipment purchases and improvements strategically to maximize your tax deductions.

5. Invest in Real Estate

Investing in real estate, either residential or commercial properties, can be a tax-efficient way to diversify your wealth and reduce your tax liability:

Rental Income: Rental income is considered passive income and is not subject to self-employment taxes.

Depreciation: You can depreciate the value of rental properties, further lowering your taxable income.

Cost Segregation: Utilize cost segregation studies to accelerate depreciation and maximize tax benefits.

Shift Income: You can also rent properties owned by another entity you control, shifting income from an active activity to a lower-tax entity.

Diversification: Real estate investments provide diversification and can help hedge against other financial risks.

Timing: Consider real estate investments as part of your overall tax and wealth strategy.

In conclusion, reducing small business taxes in Idaho is not only possible but also crucial for financial success. By leveraging strategies like S-Corps, retirement plans, hiring your kids, making tax-efficient investments, and exploring real estate opportunities, you can significantly lower your tax burden while ensuring your business thrives. It's essential to work with a knowledgeable tax advisor to implement these strategies effectively and stay compliant with tax laws.

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Steven Young

Our Chief Savvy Officer, Steven has been published in numerous newspapers and magazines over the years for his insights into business and increasing the bottom line while saving money on taxes.

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